Studi Tingkat Kesadahan Pada Air Minum Di Nagari Muaro Pingai Kecamatan Junjung Sirih Kabupaten Solok (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Air Minum Oleh Nagari)


  • Hana Pertiwi Wakil Kurikulum SMA Olahraga Surya Bhakti Kota Padang Sumatera Barat


Characteristics of Water Chemistry and Level Hardness


 This study aimed to obtain information and analyzes about: Conditions Chemical Calcium (Ca2 +), Magnesium (Mg 2+), manganese (Mn 2+), iron (Fe 2+) and Hardness Total drinking water managed Nagari, Nagari Muaro Pingai the District uphold Sirih Solok District .This method of chemical analysis of water quality parameters Ca ++, Mg ++, Fe ++, Mn ++ and total hardness is done by analysis of labor. Results are based on data and direct observation in the field, the temperature, taste, smell and color of drinking water in the village is managed by physical qualities, both samples qualify the quality of drinking water. Chemical elements studied were Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe and the total hardness, the results of research on a sample I and sample II, 4 elements (Mg, Mn, and the total hardness fe) does not qualify the quality of drinking water. While the element of Ca qualify the quality of drinking water.


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Kunedi. 2010. Analisis Nilai Indeks Kualitas Tanah Entisol Pada Penggunaan Lahan Analisis Kimia Tanah, Tanaman, Air dan Pupuk. Jurnal Unand. Padang Sumatera Barat
Sutrisno, C Totok. 2006. Teknologi Penyediaan Air Bersih. Jakarta : Rineka. Cipta
Peraturan Mentri Kesehatan RI Nomor : 01/BIRHUKMAS/I/1975.Kualitas Air. 2010







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