
  • Muhammad Fauzan Isma Universitas Samudra
  • Faiz Isma Universitas Samudra




Water quality, pond commodity, GIS


Langsa Estuary is one of the areas that has a pond area by utilizing the Kuala Langsa estuary as a source of water for community ponds. But many of the results of community ponds that experience crop failure due to disease caused by water circulation or management of pond water quality is not good. Therefore, it is necessary to do  monitoring of the quality of the Kuala Langsa estuary waters in order to obtain information in seeing the suitability of the estuary as a shrimp pond commodity. The purpose of this study is to look at the distribution of the suitability level of pond water quality in Langsa estuary waters by utilizing the Geographic Information System (GIS) as the determination of information about the distribution of good water quality for pond commodities for brackish water aquaculture. The method used in determining the sampling point is a random sampling from the mouth of the estuary to inland waters as many as 60 sampling points, i.e. 17 sampling points are scattered in the Langsa estuary area and 43 sampling points are scattered on the pond plot around the Langsa estuary, and sampling testing is carried out in the Laboratory of the Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering Center (BTKLPP) Medan. The results showed that the distribution of quality of pond commodities around the Langsa estuary was in accordance with S2 covering 1256.57 Ha or 69.81% followed by very suitable S1 covering 534.953 Ha or 29.72%, and according to conditional S3 covering an area of 8.541 Ha or 0.47%, however, it is necessary to pay attention to the chemical factor parameters


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