Relationship Between The Level and Intensity of Cocoa Pod Borer (conopomorpha cramerella) Attacks on Cocoa Production in Manyak Payed Districts


  • Fatia Sara Universitas Samudra
  • Cut Mulyani Universitas Samudra
  • Iswahyudi Iswahyudi Universitas Samudra



cocoa, cocoa pod borer, intensity


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cocoa pod borer (CPB) pest attack intensity on cocoa production in Manyak Payed District. This study used a survey method, sampling was carried out using a "purposive" method which was carried out in 3 villages, namely Lhueng Manyoe village, Krueng Sikajang village, Pahlawan village starting from August to September 2022. In each of the observed garden criteria, percentage and The intensity of CPB pest attacks shows different levels because of the way cocoa farmers tend their farms so that there are plantations that have the highest CPB pest attack rates and there are gardens that have the lowest CPB pest attack rates. The gardens with the highest attack rate were found in the village of Lhueng Manyoe with the category of unkempt gardens and the lowest attack was found in the village of Krueng Sikajang with the category of conventionally treated gardens. The average attack intensity on all observed plantations was 24%. Meanwhile, the loss of cocoa yield reached 275.96 kg/ha/year.


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