Analisis Spasial Perubahan Bentuk Fisik Sungai Melalui Integrasi Citra Landsat Dan GIS Di Sub DAS Hilir Sungai Bengkulu




Landscape Image, Stream Pattern, River Area, Meander


This research aims to analyze the change of physical shape of river in Sub River Basin of Bengkulu River. Analysis of changes in physical shape of the river by interpretation of Landsat Image from 1990, 2003 and 2014. The physical changes of the river are divided into 3 river segments, namely Hulu, Tengah and Hilir, so that the appearance of spatial changes in more detail. Spatial database is built based on the results of image interpretation and image digitization with 543 band merging model, this is done to obtain data of difference of water and land boundary is more contrast and clear. The approach method used is the result of the analysis of the physical form data of the river in overlay with Geographic Information System to obtain the data of physical shape of the river that is the flow pattern, the area and the river menader. Result of research (1). The pattern of river flow is relatively fixed with the flow pattern of the river is dominated by dentritic flow pattern that is the river and the main tributary perpendicular to each other leads to the main rivers or directly empties into the sea, (2). The most dominant change in river area between 2003-2014 is seen from the addition of river area of ​​37.88 ha. (.3). River Meander is influenced by Sediment factor carried by a tributary that empties into the main river of the river. The high sedimentation is due to high erosion and the human factor can be river flow engineering and land use change.


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