Kajian Mitigasi Terhadap Penyebab Bencana Banjir di Desa Sidodadi Kota Langsa


  • Ramdan Afrian Pendidikan Geografi, FKIP, Universitas Samudra




Disaster, Flood, Mitigation


Mitigation is a series of activities carried out to minimize and reduce the impact of risks caused by a disaster. Disaster is an event that occurs in nature, non-nature and humans that can cause loss and also loss of life. Flood disaster is a collection of stagnant water with a large volume on a low morphological plain that can cause damage and casualties. The purpose of this research is to find out the causes of flooding in Sidodadi village and to find out the proper mitigation ways against flooding in Sidodadi village, Langsa City. By using descriptive qualitative methods. In the method of information many times obtained from BPBD by interviewing and the involvement of the community to facilitate information related to flooding in the village of Sidodadi, Langsa City.

In the implementation of mitigation it is necessary to have coordination, participation, and cooperation between agencies related to the government of Langsa City and the community, so that the implementation of mitigation against flood disasters can be resolved and run smoothly.


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