Police law enforcement efforts in overcoming traffic violations at the Bengkulu Police. The decline in the image of the Police in the eyes of the public is an important issue which until now continues to shackle the Police in carrying out their duties and authorities as guards of security and public order, carrying out law enforcement, and providing protection, protection and creating security, order and smooth traffic in serving the community. Public Identify the problem of how the police law enforcement efforts in overcoming traffic violations at the Bengkulu Police and what are the factors that influence the police law enforcement efforts in overcoming traffic violations at the Bengkulu Police. This research is the approach method used in this research is the sociological juridical method. The research was conducted at the Bengkulu Police. Police law enforcement efforts in overcoming traffic violations at the Bengkulu Police Police are able to create familial conditions in providing services to the community and are more responsive, sympathetic and do not discriminate against anyone who deals with the police. The community's response to the police's performance in handling traffic LAKA cases was very positive, because as a mediator between the perpetrator and the victim, the police acted disciplined in penal mediation. The community's response to the police in tackling traffic violations is positive because the basis for countermeasures is based on the principles.The factors that influence police law enforcement efforts in overcoming traffic violations at the Bengkulu Police are six factors, namely: professionalism/intellectualism, mediator, devotion, exemplary , discipline and obey the rules and the last factor is authority. These six factors are very influential for the growth of the image of the police in dealing with criminal acts of traffic violations. Efforts need to be taken by the police to build their image in tackling traffic violations through integrated prevention efforts between the community and the police. On the other hand, self-reform is an attempt by the police to build their image. Including reform of professionalism/intellectualism, police example. So the main police self-reform is cultural reform.