Guide for Author

Akuntansi Unihaz Journal-JAZ  received the original manuscript which is the result of research in the field of Accounting fields include financial accounting, public sector accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, and accounting information systems

  1. The manuscript is typed in both Indonesian and English.
  2. Manuscript typed with Microsoft Word program with 12-point Times New Romans letter, two spaces, on A4 size HVS paper with left, right, top, and bottom border of 2.5 cm of 10-15 sheets, 1 column. Each page is numbered sequentially
  3. Images and tables are separated at the end of the script. The script should only provide instructions for placement of images or tables.
  4. The manuscripts are arranged in the following order:

Title (without the author's identity) is written in Indonesian and English.

Abstract is typed in English (150 words), describing the purpose, method and results.

Key words (keywords) are typed in English for 5 words.

Introduction, maximum 4 paragraphs

Materials and Methods: concise, solid and clear

Results and Discussion


Acknowledgments (if any)

References, references listed must be at least 1 time in the body of writing in accordance with the rules of writing the name of the year.

Book: Name. Year. Title. Edition.Hal.Perb Publishers: City

Journal: Name. Year. Title. Journal Name. Volume (Number), page

Books of writings that have editors: Name. Year. Article title. in the Name of the Editor. Book title. Edition.Page.P Publisher: City

If the literature comes from the internet, written according to the above categories and added the sentence: accessed from (write the website address) on (write the date of access from the internet)

    1. Pictures and Tables, accompanied by a description
    2. Because of applying Double Blind Reviewer, then on the first page type the Title, Full name of author, institution, complete address of all authors and e-mail for correspondence.
    3. The author submits the manuscript online via SUBMISSION ONLINE
    4. Acceptance of the article is done at any time, however the deadline for receipt of the manuscript is May 5 for the issuance of June and 5 November for the issuance of December
    5. The author is entitled to get 2 pieces of journals when the writing is loaded
    6. Article submitted to the secretariat "Journal Akuntansi Unihaz" with the address:

Faculty of Economi UNIHAZ Jl. A. Yani No. 1 Bengkulu, Telp. 0736-20956

Contact Person: Nina Yuliana Sari, SE, M.Si -