The Influence Of Various Dosages of Compost Solid Plus (Kosplus) On Improving The Soil Chemistry Ultisol In Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
compost, solid, chemical characteristic, UltisolsAbstract
This study aims to: 1. to know the nutrient compotition in solid plus compost (KOSPLUS). 2 ) to know the influence of various doses compost solid plus ( KOSPLUS ) in improving the chemical characteristic land ultisol who dominated in Kuantan Singingi.The research is research experiment the field in village the KotoKari kabupaten Kuantan Singingi .This research implemented for six months consisting of two the phaseI of composting consisting of compost solid alone (A) and compost solid plus ( B ) and phase II do incubation compost on the ultisol in BBU Rumbio River the Koto Kari.This research use method random sampling.The data were drawn obtained from several treatment he then analysis to get data quantitative .Analysis the soil samples done is the result of composite of the soil of ultisol with compost solid at various doses.Incubation compost consisting of 5 Those who repeated three. Treatment consisting of 5 those who repeated three times.Treatment provided was A = KOSPLUS 10 ton / Ha , B = KOSPLUS 20 tons / Ha , C = KOSPLUS 30 ton/Ha , D = compost solid , E = no input any ( control).The results of the analysis land than criteria of the chemical properties soil according to staff research center the soil ( 1983 ).Base this reseach get conclution are : (1) Compost solid plus have chemichal characteristic are pH H2O7.9, C-organic 39,27 %, N 2,10%, C/N 10,14, P 1,25%, K 2,17%, Ca 1,57% and Mg 0,64%. (2)The best treatment of Compost solid plus (KOSPLUS) is C treatment (KOSPLUS 30 ton/Ha) with improve value of pH 0,68 unit, C-organic 1,20%, P 10,76%, K 0,18 me/100 g tanah, and not contain Al-dd in the soil.
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