Growth and Yield of Eggplant with Liquid Organic Fertilizer Application Weeds Potential Based Medicine


  • Edi Susilo University of Ratu Samban
  • Parwito Parwito University of Ratu Samban
  • Hesti Pujiwati University of Bengkulu


Potential yield eggplant crop cultivation can be increased by fertilizing them. Based organic fertilizer liquid organic fertilizer made from medicinal plants is an alternative that should be considered in the future of agriculture. This study aimed to get information that there are certain herbs or a combination of the best as materials for liquid organic fertilizer. Research conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Ratu Samban Bengkulu Utara from November 2016 to  February 2017.  Research  Methods Randomized Design  of the single factors with four replications. The treatments are made from medicinal plants liquid organic fertilizer consists Control (G0), liquid organic fertilizer Tithonia diversifolia (G1), Tridax procumben (G2), Ageratum conyzoides (G3), T. diversifolia + T. procumben (G4), T. diversifolia + T. procumben + A. conyzoides (G5),T. procumben + A. conyzoides (G6), and T. diversifolia + A. conyzoides (G7). The results showed that: 1) the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer made from medicinal plants significantly affected the variables plant height, number of pieces, and the eggplant fruit weight. 2) treatment liquid organic fertilizer Tithonia diversifolia + Tridax procumben + Ageratum conyzoides (G5) produced the highest fruit weight when compared to controls. 3) generally made from medicinal weeds liquid organic fertilizer treatment is always generating growth and yield better eggplant.


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