We invite your original research article either in Indonesian langguage to be reviewed and published. JAZ-Jurnal Akuntansi Unihaz  applies a double-blind system in the process of reviewing an article to be published where an article is rated by two reviewers who do not know the author's identity.

We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. Authors can upload manuscript files directly to our system and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. First, kindly please register as an author, and then you should login to submit your papers. Ensure that you have read carefully about this journal and Guide for Author for preventing a rejection. In case you find a problem when submitting your article, you can send it by email [email protected] or contact us.

ISSN: 2620-8555 (media online) 

Current Issue

					View Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): JAZ:JURNAL AKUNTANSI UNIHAZ

Jurnal Akuntansi Unihaz merupakan Jurnal Ilmiah yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian empiris, studi teoritis dan pemikiran kritis dalam bidang akuntansi meliputi akuntansi keuangan, akuntansi sektor publik, akuntansi manajemen, perpajakan, auditing, dan sistem informasi akuntansi. Dalam proses review artikel, Jurnal JAZ menerapkan sistem penelaahan tertutup dua arah (double-blind review), dimana nama reviewer dan nama penulis tidak diketahui (anonim). Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Program Studi Akuntansi Unihaz (JAZ) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH Bengkulu dan diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH Bengkulu dengan frekuensi penerbitan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.

Published: 2024-12-30


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