Analisyis of Rice Farming Business Efficiency in Padang Siring Village, Seginim Subdistrict, South Bengkulu District


  • Isontase Isontase University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH
  • Sarina Sarina University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH
  • Prihanani Prihanani University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH


analysis farm, cost of production, R/C ratio, rice farming


A research about analysis of rice farming business in Padang Siring village in Seginim subdistrict, South Bengkulu District, was aiming to know the production   cost, revenue, profit and its R/C Rati.   The research   had been conducted from Nopember 2016   until January 2017 in the village of Padang Siring subdistrict   Seginim   South   Bengkulu.The method used in this study was Simple Random Sampling which is taken 15% the total population of 31 from 207 respondences,   whereas the data analysis method used in this research was the analysis of the cost of production, revenue, profit   and R/C Ratio. Results of the analysis showed that the production cost of each farm   obtained Rp. 4.606.520 with revenue of Rp. 23.989.67.   Therefore,   the profit that obtained in the farming of rice in the village of Padang Siring Subdistrict Seginim South Bengkulu was Rp. 19.383.057 per farm. R / C ratio showed a value of 5.21 per farm. Based on the criteria, the value of R / C ratio> 1 meaning that   rice farm in this   village was efficient.


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