Guide for Author

Creative Research Management Journal receives original manuscripts which are the results of research in the fields of marketing, finance, operations, management information systems, human resources & strategic.

  1. Articles must be sent original and have never been published or not sent for publication in journals / other proceedings in the fields of marketing, finance, operations, management information systems, human resources & strategic.
  2. Articles written in standard Indonesian in the fields of marketing, finance, operations, management information systems, human resources & strategic. Articles that have been presented in a forum, such as a seminar, must be written in the forum in the manuscript section.
  3. Fill, sign and scan the Manuscript Authenticity Statement and Willingness to Follow the Process. Forms can be downloaded at the Author Guidelines. Send the statement along with the manuscript.
  4. Before sending (Submit), make sure the author's name is appropriate before sending. Changes (additions and deletions) of the author's name are not permitted after submission.
  5. Articles are typed using the MS.Word program, in document format and sent in softcopy.
  6. The manuscript is typed in one (1) space and one column using 8-15 pages UNESCO A4 paper size. The manuscript uses Times New Roman 12, except in certain parts which are explained in the systematic writing below.
  7. Right / left / upper / lower margin (margin) is 2.5 cm
  8. The author is fully responsible for the content of the article
  9. To prevent the rejection of sent manuscripts, the manuscripts must be written with the above and systematic provisions below or download the template.


Title (Times New Roman 12)

The title of the article must be specific, clear and informative and contain the main ideas of the contents of the manuscript. Avoid using abbreviations and formulas in the title and no more than 25 words in Indonesian writing and 15 words in English or a maximum of 4 lines. The title reflects the content of the article so that it can be a first step for the reader to understand the contents of the article.


Writer's name

After the title section, the author's name is written raw and complete without an academic degree. In the footnotes section, also write the name of the author accompanied by affiliation or institution and e-mail address. Correspondent authors are marked (*)



Abstracts are essays which include a brief research background, objectives, theories, materials and methods used, findings and conclusions. Fill in an abstract of up to 250 words including conjunctions. If the article is written in Indonesian, then the abstract must be written in English. However, if the article is written in English, then the abstract remains in English.



Keywords must be a standard word chosen from the contents of the article that is able to reflect the ideas and concepts of the article. Keywords can be words or phrases written in English. Keywords will function to index the article to make it easier for readers to access the article. Keywords are 3-5 words or phrases and are written in alphabetical order of the first letter of each word / phrase.



In the introduction a problem / concept / result of the previous research is stated clearly and concisely as a basis for conducting the research. The introduction should also explain why the research topic was chosen and considered important, and conclude by stating the purpose of the research.


Theoretical basis

The theoretical basis included must be brief, but still standard and solid and only the theoretical foundation is really used. This section also contains previous research that supports the strengthening of the importance of the research or article needs to be done and written, and includes a research framework or hypothesis if any.



Describe the research design or research procedures in detail (methods, types of data, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis models and how to interpret or interpret the results of research)


Results and Discussion

Contains research results that are reasonable and considered the most prominent that are arranged in a systematic, informative and critical manner and are written in the form of standard language (good and right).

The results of data processing presented must be selective and able to use explanatory facilities in an informative and critical manner so as not to provide repeat information. The discussion of results is an analysis or critical argumentation about the relevance of the results to the theories and empirical facts, the benefits and the possibility of developing more scientific and universal meaning.



Conclusions must be formulated sharply, decisively, accurately, concisely and clearly and based on the facts of empirical findings in research or the results of critical thinking that can stimulate subsequent research. Conclusions can be supplemented with recommendations that are firm, operational and clear and related to the results of scientific research found.


Thank-you note

This chapter is optional, may not exist. Acknowledgments are written for institutions / individuals who have a significant role in writing manuscripts and are generally funders.



Reference material (references) included in the bibliography are only those that are actually mentioned in the text of the article, and must follow systematically as described above. How to refer to the text and writing a bibliography follows the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition and it is recommended to use reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote or others. The source of the library being referenced must be the most recent reference no later than the last 10 years. Literature sources sourced from scientific journals / proceedings of at least 80% of all references and the number of references referred to at least 15 references with at least 60% are in the "Introduction".

Examples of references in the APA 6th Edition style text:

…………………………… (Lin & Liu, 2000). …………………………... (Siddiquee, Nastiti, & Sejati, 2012). …………………………… (Feng, Ljungwall, Guo, & Wu, 2013). …………………………… (Muse et al., 2013). Muse et al., (2013) menyatakan bahwa …………….. Menurut Mankiw, Romer dan Weil (1992) bahwa manajemen ………….. . Zulyanto (2010) menyatakan bahwa ………….


Examples of writing a bibliography are sourced from scientific journals according to the APA 6th Edition style:

Feng, X., Ljungwall, C., Guo, S., & Wu, A. M. (2013). Fiscal Federalism: a refined theory and its application in the Chinese context. Journal of Contemporary China, 22(82), 573–593.

Lin, J., & Liu, Z. (2000). Fiscal decentralization and economic growth. In China. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 49(1), 1–22.

Mankiw, N. G., Romer, D., & Weil, D. N. (1992). a Contribution To the Empirics of Economic Growth*. Source: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107143192(2), 407–437. Retrieved from

Muse, B. O., Olorunleke, K., Alimi, R. S., Polytechnic, R. G., State, O., State, O., & State, O. (2013). The Effect of Federal Government Size on Economic Growth in. 3(7), 68–77.

Siddiquee, N. A., Nastiti, D., & Sejati, N. A. (2012). Regional Autonomy and Local Resource Mobilization in Eastern Indonesia: Problems and Pitfalls of Fiscal Decentralization. Asian Affairs: An American Review, 39(1), 44–68.


Example of writing a bibliography sourced from books according to APA 6th Edition style:

Hidayat, Syarif. (2005). Too Much Too Soon ; Local States Elite’s Perspective on The Puzzle Of Contemporary Indonesian Regional Autonomy Policy. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

Khusaini, Mohammad. (2006). Ekonomi Publik - Desentralisasi Fiskal dan Pembangunan Daerah, Malang, BPFE Unibraw.

BAPPENAS Dan UNDP. (2008). Studi evaluasi dampak pemekaran daerah 2001-2007.


Figures and Tables

Figures and tables are written in font size 12 and must be editable by the editor. Therefore, graphic images from Excel must be followed by sending Excel files separately. The title of the picture / table is placed above the picture / table with a distance of 1 space and After / After 6 pt. The description / legend of the picture / table is written at the bottom of the picture with spaces 1 and Before / Before 4 pt.