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MIMBAR Journal with registered number ISSN 2252-5270 (print) & ISSN: 2620-6056 (Online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Social and Political Sciences University Of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH. It is at the national level that covers lot of common problems or issues related to the Social and Politic sciences. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Social and polical sciences.
The title of the manuscript should be written on the top of the first page with the center text alignment. Meanwhile, the authorname (without academic degree), and the affiliation address of the author, should be written with the center text alignment also under the title of the article. The author should give two line spaces between the title and the author name. Then, the space between the author affiliation address and the abstract title is one space. The keywords must be written below the overall abstract for all words. Those should be arranged in alphabetical order and be separated by semicolon maximally three to five words. Moreover, the title of the article that is written in Bahasa Indonesia should be also stated in English either (look at the example above).
The responsible author, the correspondence author, or the corresponding author must be written first and then followed by the second, the third, and so on. The communication regarding the article revision and the final statement will be informed via email to the correspondence author only. If there is more than one author, the author names should be written down separatedly by comma (,). If the authors name consists of at least two words, the first name should not be shorted. If the author names are only one word, it should be written as it is. However, in the online version it will be written in two words with the same name repeatedly for the purpose of the metadata indexing. (Camdali and Tunc, 2006; Fridman, 2008).
The general guidelines for the manuscript are as follows:
The title of the manuscript: The title should be informative and be written both briefly and clearly. It cannot diverse multi interpretations. It has to be pinpoint with the issues that will be discussed. The beginning word is written in capital case and symmetrically. The article title does not contain any uncommon abbreviation. The main ideas should be written first and followed then by its explanations. The article title should be written within twelve words, 12pt-sized font, with the bold selection and in the center text format. Meanwhile, the abstract has to be written within 250 words maximum and followed by with three to five keywords.
Introduction: The introduction must contain (sortly and consecutively) a general background and a literature review (state of the art) as the basic of the brand new research question, statements of the brand new scientific article, main research problems, and the hypothesis. In the final part of the introduction, the purpose of the article writing should be stated. In the scientific article format, it does not allow to write down the references as in the research report. They should be represented in the literature review to show the brand new of the scientific article.
Research Methods: The method is implemented to solve problems, including analytic methods. The methods used in the problem solving of the research are explained in this part.
Discussion and Result: This part consists of the research results and how they are disscussed. The results obtained from the research have to be supported by sufficient data. The research results and the discovery must be the answers or the research hypothesis stated previously in the introduction part.
Conclusion: This is the final part containing conclusions and advices. The conclusions will be the answers of the hypothesis, the research purposes and the research discoveries. The conclusions should not contain only the repetition of the results and discussions. It should be the summary of the research results as the author expects in the research purposes or the hypothesis. The advices contain suggestions associated with further ideas from the research.
References: All the references that used in the article must be listed in this part. In this part, all the used references must be taken from primary sources (scientific journals and the least number is 80% from all the references) that published in the last ten years. Each article should has at least ten references and refres to MENDELEY
Mimbar : Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Politik
ISSN: 2620-6056 (Online) & 2252-5270 (Print) All Publication by Mimbar: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Politik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |
Published by: Institusi Pengelolah FISIP Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H