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Mimbar : Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Politik is a scientific journal dedicated to development of Social Sciences the article is based on the field research finding and published in each six months regularly by the management of Social and political Faculty, the University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH. this journal is under licensed of Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) by SK. No. 005.053/JI.32/SK.ISSN/2012 with ISSN Number 22525270 (Media Cetak) and SK No. 0005.26206056/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018 With ISSN Number 26206056 (online), DOI: .
The Journal accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (SK Nomor 30/E/KPT/2019). Accreditation ranking category in SINTA 4. This journal is proposing the accreditation process starting from the publication of Vol. 6 No. 4 December 2017- Vol. 8 No. 1 Juni 2019 the journal's editors said that the articles are in the accreditation process that included at an accredited journal article.
Mimbar : Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Politik
ISSN: 2620-6056 (Online) & 2252-5270 (Print) All Publication by Mimbar: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Politik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |
Published by: Institusi Pengelolah FISIP Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H