Pengaruh Faktor Pada Kemasan Sale Pisang Terhadap Permintaan Konsumen
banana sale, packaging, consumer demandAbstract
The quality of banana sale is depended on the banana’s type which will be treated, the processing process, and the handling of the processed. One of the important marketing handling of banana sale is the packaging. The packaging included of all over designing activity and producing of tidy packing. The product which has good design not only can give more comfort value for consumers and also increasing the value of promotion for producers. The packing must be made from good and attractive materials so that consumer interested in buying these products. The conclusion of this research that factors in the packaging of banana sale, which are consist of the primary color of banana sale packing, the material of banana sale packing, the size of banana sale packing, and the labels of banana sale packing, have an significant and positive effect on consumers demand.
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