


Biofertilizer, organic fertilizer, mustard


The utilization of goat manure as a planting medium for mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is expected to increase the dose of organic fertilizer and biofertilizer. The study was arranged using a factorial randomized block design (RAK). The first factor is the dose of goat manure and the second factor is the dose of Provibio biofertilizer. The first factor consisted of P0 = no treatment (control), P1 = 5 tons-1, and P2 = 15 tons-1 goat manure. The second factor consisted of D0 = 0 mL (control), D1 = 5 mL, and D2 = 10 mL of Provibio biofertilizer. The data obtained were then analyzed for variance at the 5% level of significance. If there is a real effect, the DMRT test is continued. The results showed that the application dose of manure P2 (15 tons-1) had a higher total plant fresh weight and root dry weight than P0 (control), P1 (5 tons-1). The application of Provibio biofertilizer (without treatment) D0, (5 mL) D1, and (10 mL) D2 has not been able to increase the growth and yield of mustard plants. The application of goat manure and biofertilizer has an independent effect and there is no interaction.


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