Study of macro nutrient potential from catfisth waste water as a source for organic fertiliser


  • Andriyeni Andriyeni University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH
  • Firman Firman University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH
  • Nurseha Nurseha University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH
  • Zulkhasyni Zulkhasyni University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH


catfish waste water, nutrient level, macro nutrient, organic fertiliser


The study of catfish waste water macro nutrient potential was aimed to emphasize level of pH, nitrogen, phosphor, potasium, c-organic and C/N ratio in catfish waste water. Based on our research it was found that the level of pH was 7-8, N in liquid waste was 0.98-1.67% with an average of 1.32% and N in solid waste was 1.99 – 13.97 % with an average of 6.23 %, P in liquid waste was 1.89 – 3.40 % with an average of 2.64 %   and P in solid waste was 4.10-4.69 % dengan rata-rata 4.46 % and Potassium in liquid waste was 0.01-1.03 % dengan rata-rata 0.35 % and Potassium in solid waste was 2.31-4.09 % dengan rata-rata 3.21 %. Furthermore, the level C-organic in liquid waste was 0.28-0.98 % with an average of 0.63 % and in solid waste 16.28 – 24.64 % with average 21.67%. In addition, C/N ratio in solid waste was about 1.71-12.38   % with average of 6.71%. The nutrient levels in liquid waste did not meet requirement of Indonesia Agricultural Ministry as liquid organic fertiliser, but pH level did. However, the nutrients in solid level did meet the requirement from the ministry number 70 year 2011 and meet the national standard SNI-19-7030-2004. Unfortunately, C/N ratio in both liquid and solid waste did not meet the requirement and SNI standard.


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