
  • Idham Lakoni Unihaz
  • Arifah Hidayati



Kata Kunci:

Hedonic Value, Shopping Experience, Trust


The proliferation of internet use has created a new phenomenon of consumer behavior,
consumer attention has been diverted to online purchases. Increasing confidence in the
technology and online payment sector is leading to changes in consumer behavior, away from
traditional methods. This trend has shown that online shopping has a lot of potential as well
as benefits for consumers and businesses around the world. The purpose of this study was to
analyze hedonic value, shopping experience, on the interest in shopping on shopee sites with
trust as an intervening variable in the city of Bengkulu. This research will be conducted by
distributing 100 questionnaires to students in Bengkulu City as respondents who have made
transactions on the site. shopee. The analysis that will be used is quantitative analysis
techniques with path analysis methods (path analysis) with processing using SmartPLS.


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