Analisis Perubahan Struktur Tanah Dari Lahan Kopi Menjadi Lahan Sawit Di Desa Sukarami Kecamatan Lintang Kanan


  • Indri Puspika Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin SH
  • Warsa Sugandi Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin SH
  • Fevi Wira Citra Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin SH



Forest Land, Coffee Land, Land Oil


This research is to find out: (1) How is the structure of the forest land in the village of the District Sukarami latitude Right (2) How are the soil structure on coffee plantations and palm oil land in the village of the District Sukarami Latitude Right (3). How to change the structure of the soil of coffee plantations into oil palm land in the village of the District Sukarami right latitude. The method used in this study using laboratory methods. The study population was all forest land, the land of coffee and palm oil land in the village of the District Sukarami latitude Right. The samples were taken from three Janis land is forest land done taking three sample points, ground coffee is done taking three sample points, ground palm did taking three sample points. Data collection techniques in this study with a structured observation, and documentation. Data analysis technique used is the result of laboratory research Laboratorium Resul be concluded that three samples of the research that protected forest samples, sample coffee, and palm samples showed the presence of difference, namely increases and decreases in the elements studied, the land of the best land is forest land protected


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