Pendidikan Berbasis Jender


  • Syanurdin Syanurdin Universitas Prof Dr Hazairin SH


Education and Gender


There is a scientific study related to gender. It seems that the results of the study, especially those related to gender, have developed rapidly. This is evidenced by the shift of research paradigm to research that does not solely examine the problem of education and language related to sex in the biological sense, but has led to the paradima of gender research as a social and cultural concept. Aldous Huxley in Coulmas (1988: 36) states that in the 18th century, where logic and science became a fashion (trend). Women try to talk like men, while in the 20th century just the opposite. The results of the study should be concerned teachers in implementing the learning process in school.


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Bucholtz, Mary. 2001. Gender dalam Duranti Alesandro (ed) Key Term in Language and Culture. Great Britain: Blackwell.
Coulmas, Florian (ed). 1998. The Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Massachusetts: Blackwell.
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Faisal, Adib. Panduan Untuk Pendamping Perempuan Korban Kekerasan Berbasis Pesantren. Ciganjur: Puan Amal Hayati.
Muthali’in, Achmad. 2001. Bias Gender dalam Pendidikan. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Purbani, Widyastuti. 2005. Membangun Pendidikan Berperspektif Gender di Pesantren, (Disampaikan sebagai bahan diskusi pada Lokakarya "Pendidikan untuk Perempuan: Belajar dari Pengalaman Pesantren" di Jakarta 7 Januari 2005).
Selden, Raman. 1993. Panduan Membaca Teori Sastra Masa Kini. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Trudgill, Peter. 1995. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. Edisi revisi. London: Penguin.
Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1998. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Edisi ketiga. Massachusetts: Blackwell.
Wodak, Ruth & Gertraud Benke. 1998. “Gender as a Sociolinguistics Variable: New Perspectives on Variation Studies” dalam Coulmas. The Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell







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